
The quickest and easiest way to book a table at our place is by simply calling us at 030 – 75 63 73 93 (we are nice – trust us!) during office time.

The more comfortable way however will surely be by sending us an online request! Just type in Your personal wishes and we’ll get back to you!

We’re looking forward to your request!

Online Booking request (caution, this is not a guaranteed booking per sé!)

As a matter of time and safety, requests without a contact phone number can and will not be answered!

Did you know? We do have attractive party bundles for Your party and if you wish, you can create your own party bundle ! Benefits are more than clear!

    Desired Date
    Amount of guests
    Age of guests Kids KaraokeUnder 18 (request is mandatory!)19-2425-3435+
    Special occasion?
    What else should we know?
    With a party bundle? YesNo Party bundle number/name:
    With a specific table? YesNo Table name:
    Right here You can upload your customized Karaoke bar/ Lounge party bundle. -download here- We’ll make You an offer based on Your request.